
Comments (7)

What do you think?

really excited for what this game can become!

Can't wait for the new update!

good fun 👍

update please


Play Ooga on Steam today (Ooga on Steam (

A Caveman and his Spear.


Ooga and Chaka are inseparable brothers. When Chaka is kidnapped, Ooga embarks on a quest to rescue him, with the help of Chaka’s fairy. Ooga's one and only weapon is his spear, he can throw it into a wall and use it as a platform, he can ride it through the air like a majestic bird, and he can use it to vault through the air. Ooga must make his way into the unknown and face challenges never before seen, on a quest that quickly expands beyond what is expected. 


#rage #platformer #adventure #retro #puzzle #other #arcade #action #narrative #story

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

The new version is so close! Stay tuned in the coming days :)


We have taken the HTML5 and MacOS versions down from the GameJolt page. We've done this because we felt that the Windows version was the only one that reached our standards, and the inferior versions gave a lot of people poor first impressions of Ooga.


We've been testing out toggleable walls since we just got them into a workable state. They look a little rough, but we're pretty happy with them in terms of functionality.

#platformer #2d #pixelart

We’re happy with the speed and efficiency we had to make the game Christmas themed in less than 24 hours. Merry Christmas y’all

so, guys... It's been a little while. A little under a month ago my computer had a beverage spill on the motherboard and graphics card. For a while there, I was worried that the system was lost, but it has been repaired and development has been rebooted!!

Tonight, we found a glitch. Not the first, certainly not the last, but it was a very neat glitch, and when we realized it's potential, we had no choice but to keep it. Don't let the little things bring you down :)


World Maps are now out. Our next steps for the near future are to implement a custom made movement engine to replace the buggy premade movement engine, add new puzzle mechanics such as buttons and doors, and to add Turtles and other NPCs.

We've now added general graphical improvements, quality of life improvements to the editor, a quicker long jump, and built in levels! We still have a long ways to go, but we're on the right track. We plan to add a world map in the coming weeks.

We've started basic level designs! The game is feeling really polished and fun!